Block 19535575

Block Number:
MEV Block Reward:
0.08643 ETH
Proposed Finalized
2024-03-28 22:44:23 +0000 UTC (2024-03-28 22:44:23 +0000 UTC)
Block Root:
State Root:
RANDAO Reveal:
Eth Data:
Deposit Count:
Deposit Root:
Execution Payload:
Block Number:
Fee Recipient:
0.08186 ETH
Gas Used:
Gas Limit:
Excess Blob Gas:
Base fee per gas:
34.60968 GWei
Burned tx fees:
0.49785 ETH
Burned blob fees:
0.00475 ETH
Burned fees(total):
0.50260 ETH
145 (4 Blob Transactions)
2024-03-28 22:44:23 +0000 UTC ()
Block Extra Data
Voting Validators:
Voluntary Exits:
0 attester & 0 proposer slashings
BLS Address Changes:
30636 validators voted 37627 times for this block:
Allocated Slot Committee Included in Block Validators

Showing 64 Attestations

Attestation 0
Committee Index:
Aggregation Bits:
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 1111111
503539 190619 838744 868498 1061112 976731 456097 891699 268628 663550 917991 488507 1183518 838580 433608 669406 780751 760709 482666 182600 1066209 731409 1007316 873161 456617 1257794 653087 183093 214773 348845 97653 512578 277282 757540 1033007 705444 1190600 317430 319478 633104 1276438 218578 998775 598879 199570 819602 802552 1252817 904106 785870 8823 824516 841424 445906 197768 498740 932106 645178 1210773 1298937 812251 844827 98904 217252 54048 460868 1298350 1039077 1011972 550781 336047 569159 992122 1209313 869226 903402 1008952 166385 175358 407670 1265541 1270379 1015660 121328 536396 705907 385856 961228 1066985 498582 686829 62707 407673 13218 681092 407334 1205499 192777 927808 545318 188535 1193374 699280 1245255 1004738 174689 854666 612535 1284878 1100001 1095030 601265 158127 1282063 1273496 894659 197778 602243 518653 790820 747667 584784 1222375 71618 323067 106687 459398 179889 1286028 1259448 531208 800211 889637 985750 592764 202894 1225380 856155 901997 318445 837827 164807 1229116 548630 94553 613325 1243293 131506 43643 265321 455338 465605 695333 687816 145676 694490 1257832 1094938 422037 816227 1015297 1310358 521478 760427 957840 1191596 718641 943232 279511 910994 965276 488523 575226 414539 784326 112874 211739 1071369 1080028 1210882 29119 1236722 320465 1070244 717980 571800 517282 401759 1057359 705624 1225211 893078 1006485 897484 544401 1181208 795482 1285119 724858 409558 67656 1131113 1268227 730089 1073672 1182896 729278 762808 23133 1253757 351090 21866 869282 288910 1031510 1137271 568286 1031436 327174 507245 1082765 804208 599252 27116 1269854 12759 187142 1070889 1050054 838751 868283 427032 2155 986212 1090558 1121382 755754 337940 422162 1244693 447227 384865 1299774 311265 919555 995907 1281627 341454 448486 664543 1103563 732245 195898 502377 401512 649560 862957 83778 1025054 555260 465547 867008 895309 537227 333995 1037797 1146022 131636 1125143 829718 1302316 158350 1139832 872095 811091 974395 834372 353180 651722 902046 1196453 19122 1088690 156977 689735 678758 260832 446690 555634 862412 155767 493162 415720 127546 1128541 508948 591208 499468 1047218 1064242 255527 826625 509658 337457 330597 618960 620006 990122 963780 505236 414693 1274703 688326 790972 1092439 574859 759115 951505 1012429 1198086 1172847 1096105 762833 1194812 871725 385078 772444 801160 879481 142842 1215998 645753 521536 926346 870874 1294420 19941 299021 1085741 1293493 1297059 723374 661601 1242149 1051213 232213 998483 1040648 1013407 408730 1135607 1144636 966204 280063 226060 694159 994895 1268911 584264 1219986 232335 664198 865094 555446 275803 639963 163051 585492 338604 872092 454037 902133 1010832 1287185 1128801 540573 1145220 615331 231546 229468 21927 658260 703051 873477 1135258 1046852 173851 413169 1129024 1227033 1190018 215305 1000751 1236601 834015 629483 454544 328624 1254264 757911 179910 951923 1186487 914083 1081416 12573 6871 1066307 327019 1143404 541895 690767 794225 595673 267478 1236673 239298 266851 348840 845088 1131831 571616 1268512 90849 316740 1206173 181371 1194399 1179896 1270559 1196301 660495 1192061 1215480 372207 735029 480770 1081625 1019729 1255264 599375 492235 437356 327919 804882 1245013 174260 1205288 488286 711359 791344 703733 959397 1021285 483731 139761 650782 1014798 349652 1100662 63950 977120 775206 1053187 258040 1150970 487188 1183908 887429 794658 266004 29626 359925 164476 1143483 118077 976559 725935 1301151
Showing 145 Transactions
Tx Hash Method From To Value Tx Fee Gas Price
0x1ce606…56a638 0x575b7e3e jaredfromsubway.eth 0x6b75d…09A80 0.00000 ETH 0.00333 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x14276c…2a6a63 execute 0x7ef2a…05f59 0x3fC91…b7FAD 0 ETH 0.00701 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xa7671e…033fc4 0x5c5b7e3e jaredfromsubway.eth 0x6b75d…09A80 0.00000 ETH 0.03403 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xbc3163…f39b2f transfer 0xf05C4…996E4 MileVerse: MVC Token 0 ETH 0.00347 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x1190de…c10a4b transfer 0x7e6Af…e37F6 Reserve Rights: R… 0 ETH 0.00323 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xd2f8b9…83d383 transfer 0x8eC9a…7C0b8 The Sandbox: SAND… 0 ETH 0.00279 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xb669d4…62a735 0x0162e2d0 0x7F430…99016 0x3328F…09C49 0.05900 ETH 0.01638 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x2b7e3b…510ffc approve 0xA5dE2…08d87 0x0A2b6…48512 0 ETH 0.00394 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xa62c0f…f86d2c 0xcebc2af4 0x0000d…70000 0xed0e4…60572 0 ETH 0.03267 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x62f867…cbe684 multicall 0x0000d…70000 0x00004…e0000 0 ETH 0.00581 ETH 0.00000 ETH
Showing 16 Withdrawals
Index Validator Index Recipient Address Amount
Showing 4 Blobs
Index KZG Commitment KZG Proof Blob Versioned Hash
0 0xa6cd…adbb 0x9743…1a47 0x011d…e218
1 0xa6cd…adbb 0x9743…1a47 0x011d…e218
2 0xa6ad…289c 0xb6a8…7c4d 0x01a6…6bfe
3 0xa6cd…adbb 0x9743…1a47 0x011d…e218