Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0x8c 45d297b2294ea6a0b57812da91a0aa623871e179d13a3baa0ec8a73182 983b
19772845 Finalized
2024-05-01 04:18:35 +0000 UTC
Interacted With:
0 ETH 0.00 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.00359815 ETH 0.00 ETH
Effective Gas Price:
6.70340291 GWei
Execution Stats:
Used 536766 out of 821433 Gas (65%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 6.70259493 GWei | Max Overall Fee: 10.23868143 GWei | Max Priority Fee: 0.00080798 GWei
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 290
Block Position: 123
Call Data:
ProposalCreated(uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint256[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, string description)
0 0x7d84a6263ae0d98d3329bd7b46bb4e8d6f98cd35a7adb45c274c8b7fd5ebd5e0
Data (Decoded):
calldatas bytes[]
description string
# Lil Nouns Proposal Candidates on Base # Lil Nouns Proposal Candidates on Base Nouns have introduced a fresh approach with their v3, allowing anyone to put forward candidate proposals without needing to hold Nouns tokens\. While I've previously spoken about shifting to v3, the current sentiment among Lil Nouns leaders does not seem to favor this move\. Therefore, I propose a new strategy that takes advantage of **optimistic layer two blockchains**, like Base and Optimism\. This proposal leverages the **affordability of managing proposals on layer two** and adopts a **permissionless system** that requires no immediate changes to the existing Lil Nouns contracts\. However, should this model catch on and see positive uptake, there’s potential to **integrate it directly into the Lil Nouns smart contracts later on**\. Here’s how it works: Anyone can craft a proposal candidate, attach a **minimal fee to keep spam at bay**, refine it as needed, and finally propose it to Lil Nouns on layer one\. This can all be done **without owning any Lil Nouns tokens**, as long as the proposal secures enough backing from token holders to meet the required threshold\. Additionally, others can contribute their suggestions directly on\-chain\. The plan also includes leveraging **on\-chain social networks like Farcaster**, where power users can discuss proposal candidates through a user interface, all without needing to own Lil Nouns tokens\. We’re looking at a **budget of 6\.9 ETH** to develop the necessary smart contracts, a frontend interface, an integrated Farcaster client, and for deployment and ongoing maintenance\. The **timeline for this project is around four months**\. ## Detailed Timeline and Costs Breakdown ### Development Phases: 1. **Initial Setup and Planning \(1 month\):** - Establishing the foundational project infrastructure\. - Drafting the initial smart contract specs\. - Designing the user interface and planning the integration with the Farcaster client\. 2. **Smart Contract Development \(1 month\):** - Crafting, testing, and reviewing the smart contracts needed for proposal submissions and updates on Layer Two\. - Setting up anti\-spam fee structures\. 3. **Frontend Interface and Farcaster Integration \(1 month\):** - Developing a user\-friendly frontend interface\. - Integrating the Farcaster client for on\-chain social interaction related to the proposals\. 4. **Deployment and Testing \(1 month\):** - Launching the smart contracts and frontend interface\. - Extensive testing to ensure seamless operation across both Layer Two and Layer One environments\. - Resolving any issues discovered during testing\. ### Cost Breakdown: - **Smart Contract Development: 2\.9 ETH** - This covers the creation, testing, and review of the smart contracts\. - **Frontend Development and Integration: 2\.0 ETH** - This involves building and integrating the user interface with the Farcaster client\. - **Deployment and Maintenance: 2\.0 ETH** - These are the costs for deploying the interfaces and contracts across networks, plus their maintenance to ensure they run smoothly\. This detailed plan is designed to set up a **robust proposal management system for Lil Nouns**, using cutting\-edge layer two technology to boost community participation without the need for token ownership\. If this initiative proves successful, it sets the stage for potential direct integration with the Lil Nouns smart contracts, further aligning with community input and activity levels\.
endBlock uint256
id uint256
proposer address
signatures string[]
startBlock uint256
targets address[]
values uint256[]
Data (Hex):
ProposalCreatedWithRequirements(uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint256[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, uint256 proposalThreshold, uint256 quorumVotes, string description)
0 0x6af0134faa0f9290c1d686d55012aca80302d31d5c856e4bc7954f7613dc7f87
Data (Decoded):
calldatas bytes[]
description string
# Lil Nouns Proposal Candidates on Base # Lil Nouns Proposal Candidates on Base Nouns have introduced a fresh approach with their v3, allowing anyone to put forward candidate proposals without needing to hold Nouns tokens\. While I've previously spoken about shifting to v3, the current sentiment among Lil Nouns leaders does not seem to favor this move\. Therefore, I propose a new strategy that takes advantage of **optimistic layer two blockchains**, like Base and Optimism\. This proposal leverages the **affordability of managing proposals on layer two** and adopts a **permissionless system** that requires no immediate changes to the existing Lil Nouns contracts\. However, should this model catch on and see positive uptake, there’s potential to **integrate it directly into the Lil Nouns smart contracts later on**\. Here’s how it works: Anyone can craft a proposal candidate, attach a **minimal fee to keep spam at bay**, refine it as needed, and finally propose it to Lil Nouns on layer one\. This can all be done **without owning any Lil Nouns tokens**, as long as the proposal secures enough backing from token holders to meet the required threshold\. Additionally, others can contribute their suggestions directly on\-chain\. The plan also includes leveraging **on\-chain social networks like Farcaster**, where power users can discuss proposal candidates through a user interface, all without needing to own Lil Nouns tokens\. We’re looking at a **budget of 6\.9 ETH** to develop the necessary smart contracts, a frontend interface, an integrated Farcaster client, and for deployment and ongoing maintenance\. The **timeline for this project is around four months**\. ## Detailed Timeline and Costs Breakdown ### Development Phases: 1. **Initial Setup and Planning \(1 month\):** - Establishing the foundational project infrastructure\. - Drafting the initial smart contract specs\. - Designing the user interface and planning the integration with the Farcaster client\. 2. **Smart Contract Development \(1 month\):** - Crafting, testing, and reviewing the smart contracts needed for proposal submissions and updates on Layer Two\. - Setting up anti\-spam fee structures\. 3. **Frontend Interface and Farcaster Integration \(1 month\):** - Developing a user\-friendly frontend interface\. - Integrating the Farcaster client for on\-chain social interaction related to the proposals\. 4. **Deployment and Testing \(1 month\):** - Launching the smart contracts and frontend interface\. - Extensive testing to ensure seamless operation across both Layer Two and Layer One environments\. - Resolving any issues discovered during testing\. ### Cost Breakdown: - **Smart Contract Development: 2\.9 ETH** - This covers the creation, testing, and review of the smart contracts\. - **Frontend Development and Integration: 2\.0 ETH** - This involves building and integrating the user interface with the Farcaster client\. - **Deployment and Maintenance: 2\.0 ETH** - These are the costs for deploying the interfaces and contracts across networks, plus their maintenance to ensure they run smoothly\. This detailed plan is designed to set up a **robust proposal management system for Lil Nouns**, using cutting\-edge layer two technology to boost community participation without the need for token ownership\. If this initiative proves successful, it sets the stage for potential direct integration with the Lil Nouns smart contracts, further aligning with community input and activity levels\.
endBlock uint256
id uint256
proposalThreshold uint256
proposer address
quorumVotes uint256
signatures string[]
startBlock uint256
targets address[]
values uint256[]
Data (Hex):