Slot 8977173

Block Number:
Tx Reward:
1.88036 ETH
Proposed Finalized
2024-05-01 07:54:59 +0000 UTC (2024-05-01 07:54:59 +0000 UTC)
Block Root:
State Root:
RANDAO Reveal:
Eth Data:
Deposit Count:
Deposit Root:
Execution Payload:
Block Number:
1.88036 ETH
Gas Used:
Gas Limit:
Excess Blob Gas:
Base fee per gas:
15.14436 GWei
Burned tx fees:
0.02649 ETH
Burned blob fees:
0.00000 ETH
Burned fees(total):
0.02649 ETH
43 (1 Blob Transactions)
2024-05-01 07:54:59 +0000 UTC ()
Block Extra Data
Voting Validators:
Voluntary Exits:
0 attester & 0 proposer slashings
BLS Address Changes:
31284 validators voted 31302 times for this block:
Allocated Slot Committee Included in Block Validators

Showing 128 Attestations

Attestation 0
Committee Index:
Aggregation Bits:
11111011 11110111 11111111 11111111 11111001 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11011111 11111111 11111110 11111011 01111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 10111110
01111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 10111111
905924 179536 343242 1304902 217515 392054 425734 1208132 1305711 1140919 1030185 612417 873304 1027702 1360600 487191 785198 932108 1025933 202929 207827 1208160 215389 696109 1167506 697333 1357485 661166 1165896 108399 1127082 1254672 1302800 1122540 404043 1099550 1085198 695369 732568 1129258 181158 84273 553550 646598 1110581 141669 1303059 1230066 829986 573024 795667 839648 428502 507743 197587 1019490 80341 1192523 1162695 730239 239248 337396 105594 585297 681026 784068 1135032 223663 283129 952601 1318353 267634 404265 428453 1093655 322947 828993 1307753 174874 1358281 1289271 1311750 810889 347628 317663 1207487 825635 482383 1084452 913954 307629 1223492 921075 1027692 1011485 392746 1103299 1057650 302120 715680 445154 1039763 424693 728176 773371 1115320 701640 46328 399568 1288076 88019 555793 755582 1033870 1007263 534225 998514 568455 511501 882291 929853 1187006 597094 1230573 824074 512621 1069393 752178 545905 576597 148008 340013 194426 969420 28466 931828 704716 496716 426769 1192736 1188936 111607 1194188 1286985 1087703 1150053 1057684 1096071 842391 1076590 828755 1093330 67003 702495 1293923 825787 616248 1075277 698818 255669 820321 1038192 315720 640709 149968 1183186 1173031 732255 353888 808820 1308384 946903 840092 1285935 284913 314313 1003849 549084 1204987 1213556 445761 1077567 480396 1014303 223423 421472 110114 445927 760457 820057 856858 502587 1228722 729285 1265462 195887 469537 939535 365999 1002116 846647 1360720 958678 70793 141657 124296 1002697 137955 1165049 941006 210719 355566 223495 873730 1132714 1034914 861555 801841 147704 899977 658337 695321 285573 387573 792069 345842 279160 677940 1051177 892970 1365530 1357725 1061925 712487 531568 1270537 781485 721647 550202 963648 1103927 601854 270104 962160 268563 962266 680478 1005635 903931 106191 314388 1158309 1273692 719507 824599 495208 692485 28538 318632 334721 505760 548342 886744 778646 1177373 798226 602389 421586 1036208 1259573 1171603 646010 222302 48418 1258022 514009 927676 22965 1167606 885057 587592 1002092 650470 908563 447241 640050 700954 1144079 1178576 675848 781468 807968 994788 953216 1061132 868682 1209614 20264 162443 372375 1171980 1237759 325688 1213228 7509 1356254 1348817 919992 608234 1268241 507568 1139160 395786 302049 1051768 836868 864383 1248092 1352608 1082782 573259 939328 1368088 335941 845926 6007 486404 829815 1345261 1277048 870067 464669 649561 94236 663515 1367851 1017057 892329 557994 390810 549810 581118 311249 262563 1222568 779373 1239858 291318 1125937 661692 1002147 1334244 811274 1332178 370202 581518 1187631 1239604 1224845 1301945 1296335 1061841 483708 181467 817191 1211337 1091384 1036267 349567 176439 282341 1355425 128367 66712 209631 469420 1018140 37928 1020085 1005870 527550 927761 202875 1327720 27042 992609 597705 424215 812218 654302 1095002 424731 80662 886645 548912 531734 990095 859046 804479 1318513 198987 1134573 1256016 192975 860277 479738 340002 1216369 1038840 1042238 895233 845512 231271 185967 1260983 1015489 196199 183955 1253206 771967 765284 285396 1103215 1262195 958481 1218529 532171 645466 1367606 1301161 530206 329140 817204 440665 728296 1167317 958111 676376 1188254 272298 1366672 274884 869669 1242071 825152 498138 248629 467365 411101 1258069 1028247 1295719 1218094 614917 1346091 822268 276879 820028 976834 1344165 183726 620958 47235 426925 458016 1012925 1019161 709735 267429 531973 310083 478536 141656 526476 841297
Showing 43 Transactions
Tx Hash Method From To Value Tx Fee Gas Price
0x9bcd3a…9c6e1d Transfer 0xa36c5…13ae8 0x21C12…01190 190.19975 ETH 1.87499 ETH 0.00008 ETH
0xb98426…e8b8c1 transfer 0xECF04…a7D05 Tether: USDT Stab… 0 ETH 0.00276 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xaffab2…979042 Transfer 0x5ce5D…79664 0xf1bB2…d1EBb 0.02 ETH 0.00052 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xe6db9d…9e15ca transfer 0xEE061…40bF7 0x5283D…08b44 0 ETH 0.00075 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xb13cb9…c1f210 transfer 0xC530E…c8537 0x9343e…5Db2d 0 ETH 0.00065 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x6bcb02…bdbdc2 transfer 0x00601…985cB Centre: USD Coin 0 ETH 0.00130 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xd856ac…e3004f transfer 0xaB782…ee1bC The Graph: GRT Token 0 ETH 0.00093 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xb3d019…444e88 Transfer 0x0F567…b48a1 0xed710…F3Ea3 19.99 ETH 0.00037 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x514fed…b191ee transfer 0x2DB66…dB27b Tether: USDT Stab… 0 ETH 0.00081 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x14a27a…ede604 transfer 0xd60eb…90B29 Tether: USDT Stab… 0 ETH 0.00071 ETH 0.00000 ETH
Showing 16 Withdrawals
Index Validator Index Recipient Address Amount
Showing 6 Blobs
Index KZG Commitment KZG Proof Blob Versioned Hash
0 0xa667…9311 0x8098…78a7 0x01ed…d4a5
1 0xa97b…874c 0x8053…e8fd 0x0122…6170
2 0xb7d5…d46f 0x8674…dd98 0x0102…68f0
3 0xaff6…7cb2 0x8918…2308 0x016e…789c
4 0x9277…06de 0xa83b…eae6 0x0110…f81f
5 0xb13e…71a9 0xa40b…facc 0x0134…46c1